Relaxation is a state of low tension in the mind and body. People frequently use specific procedures, called relaxation techniques, to become more relaxed.

What is psychological relaxation?

Relaxation in psychology is the emotional state of a living being, of low tension, in which there is an absence of arousal, particularly from negative sources such as anger, anxiety, or fear. According to Oxford Dictionaries relaxation is when the body and mind are free from tension and anxiety.Tension is a state of physical stiffness in the body that can cause pain and even emotional reactions such as anxiety. Physical relaxation aims to undo this tension and progressively relax muscles and muscle groups. Psychological relaxation occurs when the mind is relatively free of stress and distraction. People may still have stress in their lives or tasks to complete when they are psychologically relaxed, but stress and tension are not foremost in the minds of relaxed people. Psychological relaxation can affect physical relaxation, and people under stress frequently experience physical aches and pains as well as muscle tension.Some people have more trouble with relaxation than others. People who tend toward anxiety may experience fewer states of relaxation than others. Depression, anxiety, external stress such as unemployment, diet, and drug use can all affect a person's state of relaxation.


There are a wide variety of relaxation techniques, and some people seek help from therapists to learn how to relax. Some common relaxation techniques include:


This approach to relaxation involves using essential oils and natural fragrances to reduce stress and induce a sense of calm. Research has shown aromatherapy can be an effective relaxation strategy, with some scientifically proven essential oils for reducing stress including clary sage, geranium, lavender, and ylang ylang.


Relaxation exercises that focus on slow, deep breathing (also known as diaphragmatic breathing) can help people calm down if they're experiencing anxiety, stress, or panic. Diaphragmatic breathing, even when used on its own, has been shown to greatly reduce an individual's cortisol (the stress hormone) levels and calm strong responses to stress in the moment.


Physical activity in the form of yoga, jogging, and a variety of other exercise approaches have been shown in a wide range of studies to tame stress and anxiety. Even taking short, daily walks can help people relax.

Herbal remedies

Some individuals use herbal supplements to aid in relaxation and lessen anxiety. A study published in Nutrition Journal revealed 71% of test subjects found that passionflower and kava extracts helped them reduce symptoms of anxiety. While some experts suggest relaxation attributed to herbal remedies may be due to the placebo effect, others find that taking certain supplements is indeed effective.

Individual meditation

There are many types of and approaches to meditation, but most of them involve using a quiet, comfortable space and focus to calm the mind and body. Multiple studies have shown that meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, may help improve anxiety symptoms.


There are many types of massage. The practice of massage often focuses on physically helping people reduce many types of muscle tension, including tension caused by stress or anxiety. While more research is needed to show that massage can effect long-term stress reduction, at least one study has shown that cortisol levels are lower after a massage session.


Anti-anxiety medication may be one component of mental health treatment for an anxiety disorder. When used appropriately, medication may help some individuals achieve relaxation and get relief from tension. There are many types of anti-anxiety medications, so it's important to consult with a licensed mental health professional to learn which one might be most effective for you.


Some people listen to music they find relaxing in order to achieve a sense of calm, reduce tension, or soothe sadness or anxiety. Listening to music has been shown to reduce stress via the autonomic nervous system, meaning it may be most effective at reducing stress when it impacts a person's heart rate, blood pressure, and other physical responses that are often associated with stress or anxiety, such as sweating and shaking.


Some people listen to music they find relaxing in order to achieve a sense of calm, reduce tension, or soothe sadness or anxiety. Listening to music has been shown to reduce stress via the autonomic nervous system, meaning it may be most effective at reducing stress when it impacts a person's heart rate, blood pressure, and other physical responses that are often associated with stress or anxiety, such as sweating and shaking.